Şablon:İzah yoxdur

Vikipediya, azad ensiklopediya
Naviqasiyaya keç Axtarışa keç

Place this template on any media file which lacks description, author information or any other less-that-critical identification data. Any media bearing this template are automatically added to Category:Images lacking a description, which is a subcategory of Category:Images for cleanup.

Media files which lack critical identification data must not be tagged with this template; instead, they must be tagged with {{di-no source}}, {{di-no license}}, etc. for speedy-deletion.


{{İzah yoxdur [| Nə yoxdur] }}
  1. Character written in bold must be typed as shown
  2. Words written in italic must be replaced with appropriate letters
  3. Parameters enclosed in “[” and “]” are optional
Parametr İzah
Nə yoxdur Optional parameter. Specify what kind of information is missing. If you omit this parameter, the template will assume that "description" is missing. Possible values include: "author information", "date", etc.
{{İzah yoxdur}}
{{İzah yoxdur | müəllif haqqında məlumat}}
{{İzah yoxdur | tarix}}

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