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Gesneriyakimilər | ||||||||||||
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Domen: Klad: Ranqsız: Aləm: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Dəstə: Fəsilə: Gesneriyakimilər |
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Gesneriyakimilər (lat. Gesneriaceae) — bitkilər aləminin dalamazçiçəklilər dəstəsinə aid bitki fəsiləsi.
[redaktə | vikimətni redaktə et]- Achimenes P.Browne
- Aeschynanthus Jack
- Agalmyla Blume
- Allocheilos W.T.Wang
- Alloplectus Mart.
- Allostigma W.T.Wang
- Alsobia Hanst.
- Amalophyllon Brandegee
- Anetanthus Hiern ex Benth. & Hook.f.
- Anna (bitki) Pellegr.
- Asteranthera Hanst.
- Beccarinda Kuntze
- Bellonia L.
- Besleria Plum. ex L.
- Billolivia D.J.Middleton
- Boea Comm. ex Lam.
- Boeica C.B.Clarke
- Bopopia Munzinger & J.R.Morel
- Bournea Oliv.
- Briggsiopsis K.Y.Pan
- Cathayanthe Chun
- Centrosolenia Benth.
- Championia Gardner
- Chautemsia A.O.Araujo & V.C.Souza
- Chayamaritia D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller
- Christopheria J.F.Sm. & J.L.Clark
- Chrysothemis Decne.
- Codonanthe (Mart.) Hanst.
- Codonanthopsis Mansf.
- Codonoboea Ridl.
- Columnea Plum. ex L.
- Conandron Siebold & Zucc.
- Corallodiscus Batalin
- Coronanthera Vieill. ex C.B.Clarke
- Corytoplectus Oerst.
- Crantzia Scop.
- Cremersia Feuillet & L.E.Skog
- Cremosperma Benth.
- Cremospermopsis L.E.Skog & L.P.Kvist
- Cubitanthus Barringer
- Cyrtandra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Damrongia Kerr ex Craib
- Depanthus S.Moore
- Diastema Benth.
- Didissandra C.B.Clarke
- Didymocarpus Wall.
- Didymostigma W.T.Wang
- Dorcoceras Bunge
- Drymonia Mart.
- Emarhendia Kiew, A.Weber & B.L.Burtt
- Episcia Mart.
- Epithema Blume
- Eucodonia Hanst.
- Fieldia A.Cunn.
- Gasteranthus Benth.
- Gesneria Plum. ex L.
- Glabrella Mich.Möller & W.H.Chen
- Glossoloma Hanst.
- Gloxinella (H.E.Moore) Roalson & Boggan
- Gloxinia L'Hér.
- Gloxiniopsis Roalson & Boggan
- Goyazia Taub.
- × Goydirola A.O.Araujo & M.Peixoto
- Gyrocheilos W.T.Wang
- Gyrogyne W.T.Wang
- Haberlea Friv.
- Hemiboea C.B.Clarke
- Henckelia Spreng.
- Heppiella Regel
- Hexatheca C.B.Clarke
- Jerdonia Wight
- Kaisupeea B.L.Burtt
- Kohleria Regel
- Lampadaria Feuillet & L.E.Skog
- Langbiangia Luu, C.L.Hsieh & K.F.Chung
- Lembocarpus Leeuwenb.
- Lenbrassia G.W.Gillett
- Leptoboea Benth.
- Lesia J.L.Clark & J.F.Sm.
- Liebigia Endl.
- Litostigma Y.G.Wei, F.Wen & Mich.Möller
- Loxocarpus R.Br.
- Loxonia Jack
- Loxostigma C.B.Clarke
- Lysionotus D.Don
- Mandirola Decne.
- Metapetrocosmea W.T.Wang
- Michaelmoelleria F.Wen, Y.G.Wei & T.V.Do
- Microchirita (C.B.Clarke) Yin Z.Wang
- Middletonia C.Puglisi
- Mitraria Cav.
- Monophyllaea R.Br.
- Monopyle Moritz ex Benth. & Hook.f.
- Moussonia Regel
- Napeanthus Gardner
- Nautilocalyx Linden ex Hanst.
- Negria F.Muell.
- Nematanthus Schrad.
- Neomortonia Wiehler
- Niphaea Lindl.
- Nomopyle Roalson & Boggan
- Orchadocarpa Ridl.
- Oreocharis Benth.
- Ornithoboea C.S.P.Parish ex C.B.Clarke
- Pachycaulos J.L.Clark & J.F.Sm.
- Pagothyra (Leeuwenb.) J.F.Sm. & J.L.Clark
- Paliavana Vell. ex Vand.
- Paraboea (C.B.Clarke) Ridl.
- Paradrymonia Hanst.
- Pearcea Regel
- Peltanthera Benth.
- Petrocodon Hance
- Petrocosmea Oliv.
- Pheidonocarpa L.E.Skog
- Phinaea Benth.
- Platystemma Wall.
- Primulina Hance
- Pseudochirita W.T.Wang
- Rachunia D.J.Middleton & C.Puglisi
- Ramonda Rich.
- Raphiocarpus Chun
- Reldia Wiehler
- Resia H.E.Moore
- Rhabdothamnopsis Hemsl.
- Rhabdothamnus A.Cunn.
- Rhoogeton Leeuwenb.
- Rhynchoglossum Blume
- Rhynchotechum Blume
- Rhytidophyllum Mart.
- Ridleyandra A.Weber & B.L.Burtt
- Rufodorsia Wiehler
- Sanango G.S.Bunting & J.A.Duke
- Sarmienta Ruiz & Pav.
- Seemannia Regel
- Senyumia Kiew, A.Weber & B.L.Burtt
- Sepikea Schltr.
- Shuaria D.A.Neill & J.L.Clark
- Sinningia Nees
- Smithiantha Kuntze
- Solenophora Benth.
- Somrania D.J.Middleton
- Spelaeanthus Kiew, A.Weber & B.L.Burtt
- Sphaerorrhiza Roalson & Boggan
- Stauranthera Benth.
- Streptocarpus Lindl.
- Tetraphylloides Doweld
- Titanotrichum Soler.
- Tribounia D.J.Middleton
- Trichodrymonia Oerst.
- Tylopsacas Leeuwenb.
- Vanhouttea Lem.
- Whytockia W.W.Sm.
[redaktə | vikimətni redaktə et]- ↑ Angiosperm Phylogeny Group An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III (ing.). // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society / M. F. Fay Wiley-Blackwell, Linnean Society of London, OUP, 2009. Vol. 161, Iss. 2. P. 105–121. ISSN 0024-4074; 1095-8339 doi:10.1111/J.1095-8339.2009.00996.X
- ↑ Appendix IIB: Conserved and rejected names of families of bryophytes and spermatophytes. // International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) / red. N. J. Turland, J. H. Wiersema, F. Barrie, V. Qreuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, W. Kusber, D. Z. Li, K. Marhold və b. 2018. ISBN 978-3-946583-16-5