Antisemitizmin silahlaşdırılması

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Antisemitizmin silahlaşdırılması, antisemitizmin alətləşdirilməsi və ya antisemitizm kartını oynamaq[1]antisemitizm ittihamlarının siyasi məqsədlər üçün, xüsusən də İsrailin tənqidinə qarşı çıxmaq üçün istifadə edildiyi halda təsvir edilməsi.[2] Bu cür ittihamlar qarayaxma taktikası və "motivə müraciət" kimi tənqid edilmişdir.[3][4] Bəzi yazıçılar bunu irq kartı oynamaqla müqayisə etmişlər. Yəhudilərə qarşı istifadə edildikdə, bu, "özünə nifrət edən yəhudi" kimi peyorativ iddia formasını ala bilər.[5][6]

Bu cür hərəkətlərə dair təkliflər müxtəlif təşkilatlar tərəfindən İsrail–Fələstin münaqişəsinin mərhələlərində[7]antisemitizmin mübahisəli işçi tərifinin qəbul edilməsində qaldırılmışdır.[8][9]

Tənqidçilər silahlaşdırma ittihamının antisemitizmlə bağlı problemi həll etməyən antisemit "ad hominem" hücumuna bərabər olduğunu müdafiə etmişdilər.[10] İttiham həmçinin, dəlildən çox ehtimala əsaslanan "şəhadət ədalətsizliyi" kimi tənqid edilmişdir.[11]

  1. Examples of the term "antisemitism card":
    • Finkelstein, 2008. səh. 15–16
    • Hirsh, 2010
    • Bronfman, Roman. "Fanning the Flames of Hatred". Haaretz. 2003-11-19. ...when the waves of hatred spread and appeared on all the media networks around the world and penetrated every home, the new-old answer surfaced: anti-Semitism. After all, anti-Semitism has always been the Jews’ trump card because it is easy to quote some crazy figure from history and seek cover. This time, too, the anti-Semitism card has been pulled from the sleeve of explanations by the Israeli government and its most faithful spokespeople have been sent to wave it. But the time has come for the Israeli public to wake up from the fairy tale being told by its elected government.
  2. Illustrative examples:
    • Landy, Lentin və McCarthy, 2020. səh. 15: "The weaponizing of antisemitism against US critics of Israel was evidenced in 2019 when Florida's upper legislative chamber unanimously passed a bill that classifies certain criticism of Israel as antisemitic"
    • Consonni, Manuela. Memory, Memorialization, and the Shoah After 'the End of History' // Keren Eva Fraiman, Dean Phillip Bell (redaktor). The Routledge Handbook of Judaism in the 21st Century. Taylor & Francis. 1 March 2023. 170. ISBN 9781000850321. 25 April 2024 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 25 April 2024. In 2013, the Committee on Antisemitism addressing the troubling resurgence of antisemitism and Holocaust denial produced two important political achievements: the "Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion"...and the "Working Definition of Antisemitism"....The last motion raised much criticism by some scholars as too broad in its conflation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism. The exploitation, the instrumentalization, the weaponization of antisemitism, a concomitant of its de-historicization and de-textualization, became a metonymy for speaking of the Jewish genocide and of anti-Zionism in a way that confined its history to the court's benches and research library and its memory to a reconstruction based mostly on criteria of memorial legitimacy for and against designated social groups.
    • Medico International; Rothberg, Michael. "The Interview :We need an ethics of comparison". Medico International. 15 February 2024. 9 March 2024 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 25 April 2024. I do not doubt that antisemitism exists across German society, including among Muslims, but the politicization of the definition of antisemitism—for example, the way that the IHRA definition is used to stifle criticism of Israeli policies—makes it very difficult to reach consensus on what is and what is not antisemitic."&"The far-right instrumentalization of antisemitism and solidarity with Israel is one of the most disturbing developments of recent years.
    • Roth-Rowland, Natasha. "False charges of antisemitism are the vanguard of cancel culture". +972 Magazine. July 28, 2020. April 26, 2024 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: April 25, 2024. Increasingly, however, those canards coexist with right-wing actors — above all those in power — increasingly labeling Jews as perpetual victims who must be protected, even as these same actors invoke well-worn antisemitic tropes elsewhere. By and large, these charges of antisemitism — especially as they relate to Israel — are made in order to gain political currency, even if the controversy at hand has no bearing on actual threats to Jews. Using the antisemitism label so vaguely and liberally not only stunts free speech, but also makes actual threats to Jewish people harder to identify and combat. This weaponizing of antisemitism is not only "cancelling" Palestinian rights advocates and failing to make Jews any safer; it's also using Jews to cancel others.
  3. Examples of criticism as smear tactics:
    • White, 2020: "Delegitimizing Solidarity: Israel Smears Palestine Advocacy as Anti-Semitic"
    • Mearsheimer, Walt, 2008. səh. 9–11: "THE LOBBY'S MODUS OPERANDI… Yet because [former U.S. President Jimmy Carter] suggests that Israel's policies in the Occupied Territories resemble South Africa's apartheid regime and said publicly that pro-Israel groups make it hard for U.S. leaders to pressure Israel to make peace, a number of these same groups launched a vicious smear campaign against him. Not only was Carter publicly accused of being an anti-Semite and a "Jew-hater," some critics even charged him with being sympathetic to Nazis."
    • Amor, 2022: "…if the UN were to endorse the IHRA WDA, the harm would be exponentially greater… human rights defenders and organizations challenging Israel’s violations would be fully exposed to smear campaigns based on bad-faith allegations of antisemitism"
    • Steinberg, 2023: "Smearing one’s opponents is rarely a tactic employed by those confident that justice is on their side. If Israel’s case requires branding its critics antisemites, it is already conceding defeat."
  4. Examples of criticism as appeal to motive:
    • Finkelstein, 2008. səh. xxxiii, 33: "As I’ve demonstrated in Part 1 of this volume, the purpose of these periodic extravaganzas is not hard to find: on the one hand, the perpetrators are turned into the victims, putting the spotlight on the alleged suffering of Jews today and diverting it from the real suffering of Palestinians; on the other hand, they discredit all criticism of Israeli policy as motivated by an irrational loathing of Jews… The transparent motive behind these assertions is to taint any criticism of Israel as motivated by anti-Semitism and—inverting reality—to turn Israel (and Jews), not Palestinians, into the victim of the “current siege””
    • Plitnick, Aziz, 2023: "Specifically, when Muslims and Arabs in America defend the rights of Palestinians or criticize Israeli state policy, they are often baselessly presumed to be motivated by a hatred for Jews rather than support for human rights, freedom, and consistent enforcement of international law."
    • Abraham, 2014. səh. 171: "This configuration becomes operable because Zionism posits that criticisms of Israel, as a Jewish state, are anti-Semitic because Israel is the state of all Jewish people, both prior to Israel’s creation and into perpetuity, and because the history of anti-Semitism is understood to have reached its zenith in the Holocaust, a culmination of centuries of gentile hatred against Jews. This positioning of Israel within Zionist ideology as a Jewish homeland, even before Israel officially existed as a nation, allows for an easy transposition of historical events, enabling the anti-Semitism of one age to become identified with the words and actions directed against Israel in the context of the contemporary crisis in the Middle East. Often, these transpositions are inappropriate and lead to incorrect conclusions about people’s motives as they participate in furthering discussion and understanding about the Israel-Palestine conflict. As rhetoricians, we should be concerned by this possible misuse of history in these debates; indeed, the charge of anti-Semitism, if it is to be taken seriously, must be leveled with precision and not as a scatter-shot propaganda device for scoring cheap political points. In this discursive environment, every statement introduced into the debate contains a hidden motive, or at least a hidden rhetorical or historical resonance whereby nothing can be interpreted as being offered in good faith: “You claim that the Rachel Corrie Courage in the Teaching of Writing Award is about X (rewarding courage, risk-taking, innovation, etc.) but it is really about Y (anti-Israelism, pro-Palestinian politics, and anti-Semitism).” It is this displacement of a particular conception of anti-Semitism, a conception that had a particular meaning and resonance at a particular point in history, which tends to confuse participants in contemporary debates about the Middle East. As rhetoricians, we should be much more vigilant about the prospects of importing this flawed conception of anti-Semitism into the field of rhetorical studies, particularly when doing so has the potential to hurt possibilities for dialogue and understanding."
  5. "In Israel and the U.S., 'apartheid' is the elephant in the room". The Washington Post. 2024-01-29 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25. Omer Bartov: "You can call me a self-hating Jew, call me an antisemite. People use those terms to cover up the reality, either to deceive themselves or to deceive others. You have to look at what’s happening on the ground."; Barton's comments also referenced at "'Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic': Holocaust historian". Al Jazeera. 2023-12-20 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25.
  6. Abraham, 2014. səh. 67–68: "With increased attention being brought to Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights in the European press since the beginning of the Second Intifada in September of 2000, US supporters of Israel sought to blame the poor reputation Israel was developing in the international community on the rise of a New Anti-Semitism. As this line of thinking went, Israel had been targeted for criticism not because of what it does to the Palestinians in violation of international law, but because of a resurgent wave of anti-Semitism that has roots in age-old hatreds of the past. Israel’s critics, then, were hiding their thinly veiled animus toward the Jewish state behind anti-Zionist arguments and were not motivated by humanitarian they purported to be. To draw this equation between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, Israel’s supporters have sought to make the argumentative leap that criticism of Israel as the Jewish state is anti-Semitic precisely because Israel is the home of all Jews for all time. However, this argument does not work since there are many anti- Zionist Jews who reject Israel’s attempts to speak in the name of Judaism. The traditional response to this problem has been to label anti-Zionist Jews as “self-hating Jews,” which requires a suspension of rationality and sound judgement."
  7. Muzher, Sherri. "Beyond Chutzpah: An Interview with Professor Norman Finkelstein". Campus Watch. 2005-10-27. 2024-01-01 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25. Whenever Israel faces a public relations debacle such as the Intifada or international pressure to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, American Jewish organizations orchestrate this extravaganza called the 'new anti-Semitism.'
  8. Ahmed, Nasim. "Weaponised definition of anti-Semitism is a 'tool' to undermine free-speech". Middle East Monitor. 2023-09-15. 2024-01-15 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25.
  9. Stern, Kenneth. "I drafted the definition of antisemitism. Rightwing Jews are weaponizing it". the Guardian. 2019-12-13. 2021-04-20 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25.
  10. Sources include:
  11. Schraub, David. "Playing with Cards: Discrimination Claims and the Charge of Bad Faith". Social Theory and Practice. 42 (2). 2016: 285–303. doi:10.5840/soctheorpract201642216. ISSN 0037-802X. JSTOR 24871344. 2024-01-09 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-25.

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