Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Yayımlanma tarixi
23 yanvar 2006
Yazılma tarixi
iyun–sentyabr 2005
40 :56
ingilis dili
Cim Abbis
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not — ingilis rok qrupu Arctic Monkeys -in 23 yanvar 2006-cı ildə Domino tərəfindən buraxılan ilk albomu. Qrupun keçmiş bas ifaçısı Endi Nikolsonun yer aldığı yeganə albomudur.
Başlıq 1. "The View from the Afternoon" 3:38 2. "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" 2:53 3. "Fake Tales of San Francisco" 2:57 4. "Dancing Shoes" 2:21 5. "You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights but You Were Staring Straight at Me" 2:10 6. "Still Take You Home" 2:53 7. "Riot Van" 2:14 8. "Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured" 2:23 9. "Mardy Bum" 2:55 10. "Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But..." 4:28 11. "When the Sun Goes Down" 3:20 12. "From the Ritz to the Rubble" 3:13 13. "A Certain Romance" 5:31 Ümumi müddət: 40:56